Multiple Google accounts
This way we can have personal and business database separated...
SimplyMe commented
Yes. This feature will be great to keep transaction separate.
Foreceipt suggestion to change google account would result us to have another google ID and another license. -
Mendy commented
When you switch an account as you suggested, you are not able to add receipt, so it doesn't really help. What we want to see, it's an option to change between account with just one button. We would love to see this happening.
Mendy commented
It's just not convenient to do this way...can you just do like for instance the Gmail App, your can switch accounts very easy.
Do you know that we have added "Switch Google Account" without logging out your Googel account ? Please try "More->Switch Google Account" and make sure to have other account shared with you:)
John -
Anonymous commented
A drop down to switch from one account to the other would be just great! And save a lot of time, adding all the credentials to add a receipt is not practical.
I think the app currently supports multiple accounts!!! All you have to do is to logout one account and then sign in to another account. However it is not convenient to switch between accounts.
John Zhou