Photo Editing Receipts
The photo editing feature should be similar to Apple’s built-in photo (rotation and cropping) or at least provide an option. The app only allows rotation of 90% to the left or right. You usually need to rotate a few degrees to the left or right to level the receipt. Cropping should keep the line parallel to the opposite side. Because of this, it's more efficient to take a picture with the camera App, edit (crop and rotate) and then use the “Choose Picture” option. It would be nice to have this built-in.

Burning light camera problem commented
Hi I been having a problem with the moment to capture the image, the app starts the camera already with the flash light on, in a room with a good light on, and the receipt becomes white that after turn off the camera flash, still with the saturated white on all image. I have to close the app and start again many times that is getting frustrating!
Please take a look at this issue!Thank you!