How to upload a bank transaction CSV file?
Here is the description in case you prefer to read:
You can save your bank transactions into a CSV file from your bank sites, then login to the web version at to upload it to Foreceipt and quickly convert any of them to Foreceipt expenses or incomes.
Here is the step by step instruction:
1. First, please pick the bank transaction file to upload as the following screen illustrated:

2. Once you have selected the file, you can view the content of the file and define columns like the below screen

(1) Which column is the transaction date, what is the date format
(2) Which column is the transaction description
(3) Which column is the amount column, is the column just for money out, or just for money in, or it contains both money out and money in
Once you have defined the above, then you can upload the file by clicking the Submit button. You can also save this mapping for future reuse (if you upload another file from the same bank or credit card)
3. Once you have upload the file, you will come to the below transaction view page for this file. All transactions from the file will be listed.

For those transactions with "Match Found in Foreceipt" set to Yes on the above page, you may click the "Yes" link to check if the transaction is already in Foreceipt; if yes, you may simply delete the transaction.
If you select some transactions and click "Add to Foreceipt" button, you will come to the following screen. You can change the merchant, category for each transaction separately; you can also set them together. Once you click "Post to Foreceipt" button, these transactions will be added to Foreceipt. These transactions will also disappear from the pending transaction list for this file.