How to generate Excel and PDF report?
Here is the description in case you prefer to read:
You can generate Excel and PDF report from both the app and the web version. We would suggest you to use the web version due to the bigger screens and more user friendly UI.
You will get an email with the report link to download it when the report is finished and you can forward it to anyone you want, like your accountant for tax return preparation, or your employer for reimbursement.
Both PDF and Excel report contain receipt summary information and each receipt details. Excel report has receipt image links to each image; PDF report contains receipt images directly. Excel report is usually used for year-end tax return preparation. PDF report can be used to report expense to your company to get reimbursement etc.
Please note that the summary amount on your report is always in your default currency, though individual receipts may be recorded with the original currency. If you may record receipt with foreign currency, please refer to this link to set up currency exchange rate.
For the web version, once you login to the web version, the easiest way to submit report request is to use the Receipts / All page and follow the 3 steps mentioned below:

Once you have submitted your report request, you can come to the "Requested Reports" page to download it. You will also get an email notification when the report is ready.

If you want to define some frequently used report templates and run them as needed, please click the "New Report" menu described in the below picture:

Then click "Add Report" button on the above screen, you will come to the following report search criteria screen. Define all search criteria, date range, by Receipt date or Date Created, set the report name. You can save the report and come back to the above screen or Save & Preview to see receipts to be included in the report.

When you click "Preview Report", you will come to the below preview screen. You can request Excel or PDF report, or save the report template for future reuse: